There are lots of ways to create a successful e-commerce business but there are four crucial points that you should keep in mind while launching your website....
1) Remember that your website is your online showroom, so needs to be attractive. When online, the equivalent of a showroom is an uncluttered website where the eyes can move freely up and down finding the details they need without much effort. It is extremely important that the website is easy to navigate since your potential customers should not have to search for the products or services they are looking for. Make sure your website shows it’s products or services in the best possible way to entice a sale..
Place testimonials or photos of your product so people can create a positive image of its usage. If your products are guaranteed, post this information conspicuously.
2) Your merchant account is a necessity for any commercial website because without it you will not be able to receive payment by credit cards. Reports show that as high as 99 percent of the trade online is done through credit cards, so if you don’t have a merchant account you will lose business. You will need to be able to accept all major credit cards and without this feature that is not possible.
3) As with your merchant account, having a shopping cart and secure server is also a must. This feature allows your customers to choose and place their chosen products in the cart just as they would do in a retail store. This cart will, at the end of the shopping, total the products and give the total cost of the products chosen. In order to have your shopping cart work well, you will need to have the software installed on your website or on the server that hosts your website. If you choose to have your own server you will need to have a certificate from Verisign and Thawrte, which encrypts the financial information given by your customers so they can feel safe while giving you this sensitive information.
4) Payment gateway is another crucial aspect in setting up a successful e-commerce website. The payment gateway is the link from your website to the credit card processor. This gateway helps information to pass from your site to the authorization centre where the credit card is verified and then charged; after that, the reply will come back to your website that the processing has been successful. A payment gateway will always check for details in credit card information and reject any discrepancy in the information. In this way it reduces the use of fraudulent cards by almost 80 percent.
If you get these points sorted before commencing your online business then you will have made a great start!